The easy way to diversify into commercial real estate with safe fixed returns!
We're excited to introduce our Private Client Group! This invitation-only group allows you to invest in our newest fast closing Private Money Fund with ROIs of 12%* on your investment! Private money investing is a fantastic diversification of your money in economic downturns when banks start to tighten up their lending guidelines. Being a member gives you a great hedge against disruption in stocks and bonds and the economy in general. Also, this provides another opportunity for you to make money on your money, even when the economy is good.
This new fund is secured by commercial real estate, but the lending criteria will be focused on people of good character and cash flow rather than collateral. (Our original fund is collateral driven, and with a low LTV to hedge), but we believe that character and cash flow, not collateral is what pays the loan. The huge backlog at some banks still dealing with all the PPP loans issues and heavy reserve requirements creates an opportunity for us to close loans quickly to quality borrowers.
The Opportunity
You get to invest in your choice of fast closing real estate backed commercial deals! For example, we get deals like this all the time... a strong borrower with a fundable loan is supposed to close by a certain time, but the financial institution that has the loan has serious delays and the loan will not close in time. This borrower risks his earnest money and loses the property if he does not meet the closing deadline. We bring these deals in, underwrite them, do all the due diligence and post them on the back-end portal for our private clients to preview and decide how much of the loan amount they'd like to invest.
The Rewards
Visit the Closings page on this website to see an example of how our private money fund helped a seasoned day care operator purchase a second daycare center - when no one else would give her a loan. Our investors in the fund are making 12% on this loan and it is backed by a first trust deed on commercial real estate!
To find out more, contact us to request a free brochure or email us at
2021 Just Commercial Loans, LLC. All Rights Reserved
7901 4th Street N.
Suite 300
St. Petersburg, Florida 33702
Main Phone: (800) 413-4998
Local Phone: (305) 317-3323
*Disclaimer: Rates, terms, loan products, loan programs, scenarios, returns and descriptions of any of the aforementioned on this site are not guaranteed and subject to changes with updates of rates, terms, loan products/programs, as well as changes in the financial markets. This is not a commitment to lend. Nationwide originations in the majority of the US and Canada.